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You Don’t Know, What You Don’t Know

You Don’t Know, What You Don’t Know

We will continue last edition’s mentioning of the various Financial Statements, but before we continue, we need to go back to the Anatomy of The Profit & Loss Statement. As stated it is important that we structure it in such a way that we can learn much more about...
The Anatomy of The Profit & Loss Statement

The Anatomy of The Profit & Loss Statement

In this edition, we delve deep into the skeletal framework of the Profit & Loss (P&L) Statement—a critical financial document that, when structured properly, provides a transparent view of your business’s fiscal health. The artistry behind a well-crafted...
So, Should You Hire Your Wife?

So, Should You Hire Your Wife?

In the diverse landscape of small to medium-sized businesses, it’s not uncommon to find partners in life doubling as partners in business. Many entrepreneurs choose to involve their spouses or significant others in various roles, with a common choice being...
It’s All In The Numbers

It’s All In The Numbers

In today’s issue, we tackle the very backbone of your business: the numbers. The late business guru Peter Drucker is quoted for having said: “What gets measured gets managed.” Tony Robbins has reworded this to: “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”...
Getting on the Same Page

Getting on the Same Page

Welcome to the fourth edition of “The Automated Millionaire” newsletter. In this issue, I want to clarify a fundamental aspect of our journey together. You, as my readers, are already masters of your craft. Your expertise in your respective fields, trades,...
Nobody’s Stupid Here

Nobody’s Stupid Here

As we set forth on this shared expedition through our newsletter, where I impart wisdom gained from assisting numerous businesses across diverse industries and geographic locations, it is imperative that we deeply appreciate the significance of mutual respect. While...
The Business of Business is Learnable

The Business of Business is Learnable

Have you ever been impressed by successful businesses and wondered how they achieved such remarkable results? It is common to believe that running a business is an art reserved for a few chosen individuals. However, the truth is that business is a learnable skill that...
Ask Questions

Ask Questions

Anthony Robbins says it the best, when he says: “The Quality of Your Life Is a Direct Reflection of the Quality of the Questions You Are Asking Yourself” Or rewritten as: “The Quality Of Your Life Depends On The Quality Of Your Questions” As a Business Consultant sent...
First Secret Of A Top Business Turn-Around Agent

First Secret Of A Top Business Turn-Around Agent

How on Earth can a Top Business Turn-Around Agent so consistently turn a near bankruptcy business around in relatively short time, without having much prior knowledge or experience in the specific industry if indeed any? How can such a Top Business Turn-Around Agent...
And Debts Shall Set You Free

And Debts Shall Set You Free

My first personally owned business was that of Copenhagen Limousine Service that I purchased in late 1996. At the time I was the CEO of the fourth largest car rental company in Denmark, with some 200 employees, 1,500 vehicles and managing some 60 million dollars. I...
It’s Always Been Like That

It’s Always Been Like That

“It’s always been like that,” Mr. Hines states repeatedly. It’s his standard remark to describe a lot of the ailments and pain he had lived through with his business for years and years. The business used to be good, but something changed over the years, and the past...