Serial and Multiple Parallel Entrepreneur
Dreamer & Achiever Extraordinaire
High Performer
Turn-Around Specialist

Maximum Achievement
High Performance
Maximum Performance and High Achievement. How do we accomplish it?
We all want more. More results, more money, more toys, more freedom, more love, more attention. But how do we get it? How do we accomplish that which we want?
Look to all the best performers out there. Whether in sports or in entertainment, what do you find common for all of the top achievers and performers?
That’s right. They all have coaches and ongoing training and guidance.
Yet, in business, we all too often see that CEO’s and other management go it all alone. Many don’t have coaches, trainers or ongoing education employed. And many suffer the consequences, both in their businesses, in their professional careers and all too often also with a clear spill over effect into their personal lives.
The few that do employ coaches? Yes, they are more likely to be the ones that succeed. I dare you to study any of the most accomplished people in business and find someone who does not in one way or another employ some form of counsel. Often it’s a coach, personal or a business coach. Other times it’s the employment of a consultant. And certainly it’s the accessibility of an advisory panel, whether a good board of directors, an actual advisory panel or both.
The Outside Perspective
The outside perspective that a consultant, coach or similar professional can give you can be invaluable. Often it is that which is necessary for turning around your struggles, whether in your business, for yourself personally or in your relations.
Often it is the experts from outside that can better cut through the clutter and help identify where the cause of the problems are or help guide towards the solutions.
How Can I Get Help?
There is a multitude of solutions for getting more help so you can reach your next level of success or so you can turn around your business.
There are several ways in which I can help you further. It really all depends on what you are looking for and in what area you would like the help and expertise.
When the what you are looking for is directed mostly for yourself personally, then the help you may be looking for may be that as a coach or a consultant. I have a very special program that I offer only to the right and carefully selected candidates, which is a High Performance Coaching Program. Via this you will make quantum leaps while simultaneously gain better perspective and clarity about what’s important to you, what to focus on and how to achieve and accomplish what it is you wish to accomplish.
Professionals may also wish to consider joining my special Mastermind programs.
If you are looking for help for your business, then the instruments that I offer range from consultancy, business advisory and coaching, to Board of Directors member. If you are in dire need for help, then you may consider engaging me as a Turn-Around Specialist for your business. You can learn a bit more about this further down on this page.
High Performer
Turn-Around Specialist
Outside his work on Board of Directors and other advisory and counselor type roles, Businesses and companies hire Mikkel Pitzner to help them turn their struggling businesses around.
At times these businesses are truly struggling and are possibly in the midst of a fight for survival. Other times, they are just struggling in certain areas of their businesses.
Whatever the case, they employ Mikkel Pitzner to come and lend a hand and a mind as a direct plugin to right a failing business or a failing business model. The work is carried out in direct collaboration with the business owners and their employees, and may even spill over into collaboration with the vendors and even customers of the business. In this work, Mikkel Pitzner draws on his extensive experience from running a multitude of businesses.
When a business is struggling is brings with it a ripple effect, that very quickly affects the business owner and the business owner’s family. It also often influences the work and life experience for the employees and it affects even the vendors and the customers of the business. That’s why this work is incredibly important and also why doing it brings a lot of satisfaction.
The Future Is Already Here – It’s Just Not Evenly Distributed
– William Gibson
Serial and Multiple Parallel Entrepreneur
Dreamer & Achiever Extraordinaire
About Me
Hi my name is Mikkel Pitzner and this is my personal Ego-Website.
Being an avid networker and actively engaging in many varied new projects and businesses all over the place all the time, I tend to meet a lot of people and invariably and as is quite natural some of these wants to know a little bit more about who this Mikkel Pitzner is that they just met. So just like I might well go home and Google them, they may well go and Google me. Google me and you are likely to find this site. Perhaps you are one of them?
Well, welcome to my website regardless of how you got here. It is in fact what I quite frankly call my personal ego-site. We all have an ego and I am no different, so that is why you will see my flashy cars or something else cool and I make no apologies for it. But do bear with me. I am really not such a hot shot, egotistical self centered person that needs to flash stuff around me all the time and I am not just into material goods and brand names, but actually like to think I value other worldly matters to much higher extend and hold other traits to much higher esteem.
In fact what may have started out as completely just an ego-website filled with seemingly just self vanity stuff has changed into a site through which I wish to connect to other entrepreneurs, new as well as seasoned, young and old, from any industry across all borders. It’s my hope that we will establish a community together here, in which I can learn from you as much as I will leave with you the lessons I learn along the way from my experiences, from my successes, but certainly also from my failures.
So know that I’m truly honored that you are here and that I hope that you will browse around a little. Even better would be to hear from you and to receive your feedback on anything that gave you thoughts while visiting my site.
Thank you for your time and kind attention here – and do come back.
I engage in many different enterprises and oftentimes all at the same time. Follow this link to read about past as well as current enterprises.
Besides the products and services that are offered through the various companies that I am involved in one way or another (you can find them under the Enterprises tab), I have recently opened up a string of products and services that draw from my rather extensive experience from doing business in a number of countries, either through own start up, ownerships, partnerships, stockholder position or as a board member.
You may have been asked yourself the question: “Well, what’s your passion?” And for me this is a question that has been teasing me a lot cause I don’t have just one passion and have loads – always have and probably always will. Just as in business where I like to engage in many different things then I love to engage in many varied things out of interest, pleasure, sports and recreation.
Follow up on my latest thinking or articles that I have published or find the Press Releases on my latest endeavors here.
Read my blog via this link here. I write intermittently, all depending on time available and quite honestly mood for doing it.
Well, then just enter your name and email to receive timely updates.
Just to be sure. I hate spam as much as anybody, so I will only send you material and updates that I think are relevant to you and that I believe will bring you value. Also I will never sell or share your contact information with anybody, so your information will remain safe in my hands, and although I will hate to see you go for whatever reason, you can opt out any time you wish.
Hope you will join me.
Latest Endeavors
For a long time I have been wanting to create online training programs that would help business owners and their teams make more money in their businesses.
It’s great and a privilege to help a number of businesses and companies as a Turn-Around Specialist, and work with these as engaged to come as a direct plugin working with them in an effort to turn around their businesses that are struggling. This is incredibly important work that I very much enjoy, not least as I get to draw on all my experience and I get to help not only company owners, but their families, their employees, their vendors and their customers.
Among my clientele are also a great number who are running successful businesses, but who wish to reach that next level and make even greater results. The methods I use are equally suitable for a struggling business as for a well run business, and both types of businesses benefit greatly and typically improve their results fast after the implementation.
The problem with helping business owners and their teams hands on, is that I can only be with one client at a time. I have found that the methods I use are so powerful that all businesses can make great use of them and improve their results markedly.
Seeing that I want to help as many people as possible, I have realized that I can only do so, by creating training programs that can reach many at the same time. My programs are backed by support and coaching and consulting calls, and of course if one would need more personal hands on assistance, then that is still available too. But this way I can help so many more people.
If you’d like to know more
Again I would like to invite you to come along with me on my journey and learn from my mistakes so that you don’t need to make the same and hopefully gain insights from the successes I may experience also, so that you might implement some of the same strategies? I welcome you with all of my heart to engage with me, so the value that I bring you improves.
Well, then just enter your name and email to receive timely updates.
Just to be sure. I hate spam as much as anybody, so I will only send you material and updates that I think are relevant to you and that I believe will bring you value. Also I will never sell or share your contact information with anybody, so your information will remain safe in my hands, and although I will hate to see you go for whatever reason, you can opt out any time you wish.
Hope you will join me.