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Amazing Ideas IncAmazing Ideas, Inc. is a company that I have formed when I moved over the pond to the USA. First incorporated in Florida and subsequently as I moved to Colorado, now incorporated in Colorado. I envisioned this more or less as my placeholder for my future activities and possibly as my holding company for separate activities and company entities once these are far enough down the road of products or services been launched. Since my move to the USA, I have slowly been working with a number of different opportunities and possibilities. But especially during the past 6 months a few ideas have presented themselves in a BIG way and I foresee huge opportunities with these.

Soon I hope to be able to let you know much more about one or more of these ideas, but I would like to await the unveiling until a time when they have come further into launch and/or fruition. Some of these projects are well advanced in this process so your wait if you are visiting right now may not be much longer.

I encourage you to sign up with your email address to be kept in the loop. Look for the opt in box on this site.

One activity that has been launched publicly from Amazing Ideas Inc., however, is that of a marketing company that focuses on the digital dna and online presence for its clients. I have studied with the world’s best online marketers throughout the past 6 years or so and I now know way more about the ins and outs of digital marketing than I ever thought I would or planned to, so in order to make good use of all these insights, I have decided to help businesses make their best of their online presence and ensure that their money in this regard is not wasted.

You can learn more at Amazing Ideas Inc.