Billion Dollar Insight from the Heart of America. Insights to some of the very large and recent success stories of American companies. Could they hold secrets of success achievement that we might be able to make use of and model after? Could some of these insights be used again? Could BIG success be available for you? Here is one insight that a great group of entrepreneurs, business and I picked up from listening in on a discussion among some super successful entrepreneurs.
In the fall of 2011, I had the great fortune to be invited to New York to an event held at the Stock Exchange they titled the Entrepreneurial Bash. A panel consisting of some highly successful entrepreneurs were sharing their thoughts on how they had achieved success. And the panel members certainly knew a thing or two about it. Common to the entrepreneurs on the panel was that they each had established a business and build it up and were able to sell it for fortunes. In fact the sale price for each company was $100 millions or more, or they took their company public for $300 million or more in market valuation.
These entrepreneurs were all featured in a book along with several other successful entrepreneurs who had made similar results. In total the book was based on 45 entrepreneurs. Altogether these entrepreneurs had accomplished creating $41 billion in value from scratch. The book is called “How They Did It – Billion Dollar Insights from the Heart of America” by Robert Jordan.
The panel at the Entrepreneurial Bash, which was led by the book author Robert Jordan, had 5 of these entrepreneurs on board and they had a great discussion for us to follow and allowed us to pose questions, and we all had the chance to make some great notes and capture some phenomenal take-aways.
I was invited to this event by a great gentleman named Scott Keffer, whom I had met at a number of seminars last year that seemed to attract a lot of thought leaders. Having learned a little of my story, Scott figured that I might appreciate attending this event that featured such successful entrepreneurs. At the event Scott introduced me to another great gentleman, a true Go-Giver, by the name of Barry H Spencer who invited me along with about 15 other entrepreneurs to a dinner following the event. I accepted the invite and not only enjoyed a great dinner with great company, but also a great discussion on the take-aways that each of us had from the panel discussion that evening. This was an excellent experience and a set up for an evening that was not only enjoyable, but also really stimulated one’s intellect and inspired me.
At the end of the evening we had summed up 11 of the best take aways and Barry was kind enough subsequently to print out and laminate into a little carry-with-you-card with these take aways for each one of the participants. As you may have guessed one of the take-aways was:
Done Beats Perfect – Every Time!
This take-away is one of my favorites of the eleven best take-aways that we summed up from the evening. Isn’t it true how we often feel we the need to better whatever we are working on before we put it out there in the public? We are often very afraid of exposing ourselves and revealing our flaws or short comings, so we keep looking for that perfection before we put out word about our product or our service or indeed just our thoughts and ideas that we wish to share. We are afraid of being hammered on by some often imaginary person. But without putting yourself out there you are not going to get any results and you are not going to achieve any status of authority that could really help you in your quest for your success in whatever area you are seeking. Other times we call this procrastination, but in reality procrastination is often just a disguise for fear.
By taking fast steps and making fast implementation you make that first move and you are on your way. Perhaps you didn’t do it perfectly, but more than likely you can correct the imperfections slightly along the way or adjust as you receive feedback and evolve. But most importantly, you took action and got yourself, your product or your service out there. And now you have increased your chances dramatically for actually achieving some results.
So what are you prolonging? What are you not getting done right now, constantly awaiting further tweaks and perfections? What successes and results might you achieve by actually getting something done instead of waiting for your “launch”? What’s holding you back?
If you wish to have all the 11 special take-aways that we summed up, please give me your email address in the form below and I will send them to you.