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The Freetrailer concept was dreamt up by Aksel Blomgren Armbjørner and then realized by Allan Søndergaard Darré who took the idea and put it into play, setting up the business and establishing a partnership.

It is a great concept and the idea is that small advertise funded cargo trailers are rented out basically for free. Presently the concept is implemented in Denmark and in Sweden with great success and naturally the idea is to take it across most of Europe and who knows where else.

I was fortunate being introduced to the concept when Allan and Aksel one day introduced themselves to me and invited me for lunch in order to discuss another idea they had and wanted to make use of my expertise in the field. Well, while the other idea would be a certain success it has for several reasons and deliberate decisions not yet been rolled out.

However, our meeting got me introduced to the Freetrailer concept and business and I was immediately blown away by it, so it was not take long before Allan, Aksel and I agreed on an extension of the partnership to include me also.

Freetrailer (companies collectively) went IPO in 2018.