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In the world of marketing and sales, there are few names more recognized than that of “Marketing Master” Dan Kennedy’s. For years, his “break-through-the-box” copy and marketing strategies have been responsible for billions in sales for major corporations and small businesses.

Along the way, he has taught entrepreneurs all across the world to cut to the chase, measure their results and find creative ways to build very successful businesses in hundreds of niches. Now, I’ve joined with Dan and many distinguished co-authors to bring together in one book some of the most creative strategies and tactics ever to attract clients and customers… and keep them, as well as guarantee higher sales conversions.

Marketing Miracles Cover Mikkel Pitzner

Along with Dan Kennedy, my amazing co-authors for Marketing Miracles include Sydney Biddle Barrows, Thomas Bukacek, Bette Tomaszewicz, Darrin Mish, James M Walker, Lisa Lang, Dale Gibbons, Chris Gilman, Gordon Dey, Richard Seppala, JW Dicks, Nick Nanton, Lloyd Irvin Jr., Luba Winter, Gus Kaloti, Jason Cianflone, Greg Rollett, Lindsay Dicks, David Linton, Tom Puentes, Juan Carlos Vazquez