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I have truthfully been unsatisfied with my own results for quite some time. It’s time that this changes. It has been time for too long, but honestly, I wasn’t doing much about it.

Well, that’s about to change. This is one of those things that is great, when you have finally gotten enough – and I have finally gotten enough. I need to change this and that means I need to change.

Here’s what Jim Rohn said:

I used to say, “I sure hope things will change.” Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change.

So as I said, I’m very willing to make the necessary changes and have already taken several steps to get it going. Sometimes the only way to really get going, is – to really get going.

For me that means that every day, I’m taking massive action steps to bring me one step forward. Forwards towards that new goal line that I have set up for myself. To keep me motivated, I revisit continuously (and certainly every morning as the day begins) what that goal line is. To keep on track, I revisit every day the time frame that I have set up for myself for reaching the goal line. It’s no good falling behind too much, for catching up can already be hard when you have set an ambitious goal to begin with. And your goal should be ambitious.

My father always said:

“The day that is spent never returns”

– Axel Pitzner

In other words, you need to ensure that you spend every day wisely and not miss your opportunity to progress and move forward. Make the most of every day you have.

I’m ready for take off. I’m ready and willing to make the changes and accept the sacrifices that they entail. I’m also ready to reap the rewards.

Ready for Take Off at Mikkel Pitzner -passenger jet plane flying over airport runway against beautiful dusky sky use for aircraft transport and cargo logistic and traveling business industry

Yes, I need to change and though making changes is not easy for us in general, I’m so committed to it now that I actually find great excitement in it.

“For Things To Change – You Have To Change

For Things To Improve – You Have To Improve”

-Jim Rohn

The great thing is that I have amble experience in a wide variety of endeavors and I have previously had some very satisfactory results, so I know what it takes. Among other things, it takes a lot of work. I find that I’m actually looking forward to doing this work. No, not all of it is so much fun, but a lot of it can actually be, when you are focused on where it is you wish to go.

I’m privileged too, for I have several endeavors that I’m currently pursuing and they are incredibly cool and hold very big promises of what can be. I invite you to come along for the ride. Your company will be appreciated and I look forward to journeying with you.

To come along on the journey I suggest that you sign up for the future updates. No, I hate spam as much as anybody and I will not be sending you a ton of junk. I will only be sending you what I believe can add value to you, your endeavors and your life – and should I tire you after all, then you can always unsubscribe with an easy and simple click of the mouse. Also your email will rest safe with me as I will never share or sell off that information.

You might also consider following my page on Facebook and please by all means feel free to comment here below or on the Facebook page. I would love to learn what you are working on and where it is taking you. So please come join the fun.

Let me know what you are working on.

Let me know what your goals are.

I’m ready for take off. Are you?