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My last blog entry here was the blog on Changes Ahead in which I spoke about some changes that I will be making. Some changes that are highly overdue and that I’m also very excited about implementing.

Now, I was indeed very vague about what the changes will be, but I shall enlighten further as we go along and as I manage to implement them and as I manage to get the changes and the necessary action steps started.

So here’s the first change. It may seem very simple, but I believe there’s more to it than that. Indeed, I believe it holds power and that results will flow from it. Not by itself alone, but indirectly from what it means and what it will mean for my activities, routines and new habits.

What’s the change?

The change is: A Word.

“A word. Huh?”

Yes, that’s right I have “implemented” a word. Well, in actual fact, I have added a word to my website.

That word is: “ACHIEVER”.

The word has been added to this website’s title, which used to read: “Mikkel Pitzner, Serial Entrepreneur & Dreamer Extraordinaire”.

Now the amended title reads: “Mikkel Pitzner, Serial Entrepreneur, Dreamer & Achiever Extraordinaire“.

“So what”, you might say and I hear you. Adding a word in itself may not really mean a lot. But then again it actually might mean more than we think it will.

Back when I first set out with this ego-website I added the word “Serial Entrepreneur” for that was an obvious choice of who I am and what I had been doing up till then and what I’m still doing to this day.

But just placing the “Serial Entrepreneur” seemed truthfully a little boring and unremarkable and quite possibly also a little too generic and commonplace. So I added another couple of words back then, namely the: “Dreamer Extraordinaire”.

My reasons for choosing the words Dreamer Extraordinaire as descriptive of me were and still are that I do find myself to be a dreamer. I dream a lot of dreams and I sometimes dream of big things. I love exploring grand visions and to ponder “what if”.

In addition, I have long maintained that everything in this world is created twice. First it’s created in the mind or in the spirit (internal world) and then subsequently it is created in the outer world (external world).

A building for instance was first created in someone’s mind and blueprints were drawn up etc. Only subsequent to that was the building built.

In other words, it’s highly powerful and also very necessary that we can dream.

“All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake up in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.”
― T.E. Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph

I have always been proud of my abilities of having vision for things that might be. I believe I can dream big and see things that could be created that could make real impact in this world.

The problem, however, is if we just remain dreamers – or daydreamers. We need dreamers in this world, but more than that we need the dreamers that also “do”. In truth a bit of that has been lacking on my end.

The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.

– Sarah Ban Breathnach

Yes, I have had many dreams and ideas and yes, I did commence a great deal of projects all at the same time, but in reality, I still lacked backing everything up with much more action. Massive action.

Massive actions coming your way at

So as we commence this new year, I’m highly committed to making some great changes in my life, for me and mine and for those who may wish to follow along. I need to implement massive actions.

For my site title I thus thought about implementing the word “doer”, but it just didn’t seem to ring quite right. So I chose the word “Achiever”. For the achiever, I believe dreams, visions and ideas must have gone forth beforehand. Then actions were implemented and then when successful, the achieving was realized. I wish to achieve much, much more than I already have. Yes, I have achieved quite a bit I think. But at the same time, the last (too many) years, I actually don’t feel I have achieved enough of real substance or of real results and I seriously need for that to change. The great thing is, that I know what is needed for that to happen. Mostly, I believe I need two things to be high on my radar and calendar going forth to make it happen: More focus on fewer real things and massive, massive actions to be implemented for those things that I will now focus on.

Great thing is: I’m ready. Yes, I’m sooo ready.

It’s cool in a sense that I’m reaching this stage right at the commencement of a new year, but it actually hasn’t much to do with that. It’s just a coincidence. But cool nevertheless, cause it’s natural for us to stop up for a brief moment and sense where we are at in our lives and where we wish to be at – especially as we exit a year or as we enter a new year. So timing is absolutely fine with me, but it could easily have been any other time during the year. In truth, I’m just happy that I’m finally finding myself here and I’m so excited about what is to come and am excited about the massive actions that I will commence implementing instantly and continuously going forth.

As I stated earlier, you may find adding a word to my site title doesn’t mean much of anything. But I actually feel it does mean a great deal. The word now that I have added it here, is an identifier for me. It’s a word that I now will ididentify myself with and it’s a word that I will associate myself with and that I feel is descriptive of me. For someone to achieve success, you have to become success. If you wish to get into great shape and health, you will have to become such a person. How does such a person act? What choices does such a person make? By choosing the word Achiever for myself, I will now, more than ever before, have to think consciously about my choices in life and in every day and about my activities and habits. The unconscious probably commenced thinking about these decisions and activities as soon as I made a decision about who I wish to be – who I wish to become and who I wish to be.

Big Idea Taking Off at www.mikkelpitzner.comBy having the word added to my site title I will certainly be reminded of my new decision on a continuous basis going forward too.

Yes, it all helps. Trust me, this will make huge difference going forward.

So in closing the question for you is:

What will be your word or words?

Who and What do you choose to be and become?

Ask yourself: If someone was to characterize you using 3 words; what would those 3 words be?

(you might be surprised what the answer would be if you asked someone about that today, so become and be intentional about this, in order to become and be the person you wish to be).

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind i everything. What we think we become.”
