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There’s going to be some changes coming around here that excites me greatly. It’s also about time.

After so many years of entrepreneurship and having run several businesses – some successfully some not – it’s amazing that I still have to learn so many good old lessons. Lessons that we have all heard before and lessons we often hear from our very early age.

So while I’m not proud that I keep making many mistakes in areas of which I should have known better, at least I’m grateful that I’m finally coming to terms with reality and the need to step things up. There’s going to be a lot of changes coming here for me and for the businesses in which I’m involved. It’s exciting times in other words and I’m positive that hugely improved results will come of the changes.

I will update more as I progress, so you can follow along and revisit the lessons I’m finally taking to heart and so you can follow along with any results that may come of it. In other words, I will also be a bit more specific about the changes that I will be making and why these need to be made.

As I write this it’s Christmas time and we are approaching year’s end which is very suitable for making revisions of your current state of affairs and life, and for looking a bit at where you wish to go in future and perhaps getting clear on what changes you may need to do in order for that to happen. I find entering a new year is a great time for you to make such revisions, but that said, I find that anytime is a great time to do so. In other words, my recommendations are not to be waiting for a new year to come around – any time is a good time, especially if it involves implementing changes for real in order to improve your life. So it is actually by happenstance that my changes that I have finally come to terms with are necessary and needed happen to take place now.

But things are happening these days. For the better, I’m happy to say. When changes take place, however, it also often produces stress and anxiety and this part is not so wonderful to live through, and I’m finding myself being more irritable lately, which is unpleasant for me and those around me. I only hope that those around me don’t quite feel the brunt of it and certainly I hope they feel nowhere near the irritation that I feel myself. Changes are often highly unpleasant and involves more than may appear on the surface. But changes may very often be highly necessary and needed. I have come to a part of my life where I need to make some serious changes as I wish to propel myself to a higher level and greater results.

As I said, little has the timing of this to do with the fact that we are coming to a year’s end, but it is perhaps quite befitting all the same. The question is for you to ask yourself, what changes you might need to make for yourself in order for you to achieve some of the goals and aspirations that you have for your life? What new habits do you need to form? What old habits do you need to tear down?

I think I have my work cut out for me. But at least I’m highly motivated to do so too. Let’s just hope that I can juggle all of “Life” while in the process.

It’s going to be an interesting ride. Please wish me luck as I wish you luck in your journey.

 Changes Ahead for Mikkel Pitzner in search of greater results