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I just completely bombed with some of my newer activities. It’s in my business of Amazing Ideas, Inc., which basically is a marketing company in Castle Rock, Colorado. Via this business I sell online marketing, web designs and strategic online presence – your online DNA.

Among the services that we offer here you will find the “get ranked high on Google for your relevant search term” offer. Since I have studied this excessively since 2008 with all the best marketers of today, I would say that I have quite a big insight into how you can make this happen and get your results. Ultimately, what you are looking for is for customers to come chasing you down rather than you having to chase after customers in order for your to get the revenues for your business.

There are many factors that you put in place to achieve your high ranking and with Amazing Ideas, Inc. we only employ natural and real avenues, what is often termed “White Hat” applications as opposed to the sneaky “Black Hat” tricks that many marketers use.

We don’t use “Black Hat” tricks, cause ultimately what these are, are just a way of “cheating” Google to rank you better. But Google is not stupid. they study continuously what goes on and with their algorithm updates they will eventually close up the loop hole that you may have found and all of a sudden your beautiful and somewhat undeserved high rank will be forever gone.

So no Black Hat tricks for us, please. We want to be ranked, but only when it makes sense and actually adds value to the user. If we don’t add value to the end user, it’s probably because we didn’t reach the right user and we didn’t reach the right user when we tried to rank for something that is in fact not relevant to the user. When we don’t add value to the end user, they don’t buy from us and we gained little if anything at all.


Anyways, we have been focused on helping other local businesses getting their online presence right so they could reap the benefits and grow their business. In other words among other things we have helped them get high ranking with Google, so that they derive more leads and ultimately more customers calling upon them.

Meanwhile, being so focused on others, meant we actually forgot about ourselves entirely. That’s right we did nothing for our own ranking for relevant search terms including the words “Marketing Castle Rock”.

This naturally also begs the question for someone who gets introduced to us of, how can we sell “Get Ranked High Solutions”, when we in fact are not ranked high ourselves for relevant keywords?

It’s a matter of walking the talk.


Big Whoops!!


OK, at least we are still early in the game, so we have commenced a little bit of effort in the matter and expect to see some results very soon. In fact we actually did get us from page 21 of Google to page 1 in a matter of a few hours. Not the best of “true” placements, but considering the extremely short time period and the extremely broad search term (“Marketing Castle Rock”), I’m actually stoked. And more to the point, it also proves that we can live up to our claim of making such results happen.

We will continue a bit of work on our keywords and of course we will need to expand upon these as we go along. Marketing Castle Rock is not too specific and will not yield the optimal results in all likelihood.

You can read more about the story on our website at Amazing Ideas, Inc. and learn more about why local search results may be particularly important for any business. Also, we would love to help you out too if you are in need of updating or optimizing your online web presence. Just send us an email to We would love to hear from you.