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I’m super excited these days for as I have mentioned in previous messages, I’m currently in the midst of launching 9 new business ventures.

One of them that has me particularly excited will go live publicly very soon. In fact I believe we will be set to go live Monday January 6th 2014, that’s right that’s only in just over one day from now.

If you follow me on any of the social media you may have noticed one small hint of what the venture is about. Not terribly telling, just a hint. And yes, I realize that the image, even if it is rather specific, the business that it represent in this case could be many things.

So I apologize for being so secretive, but at least you won’t have to wait too long. We will soon be publicizing it – and hey, who knows, perhaps you run a business where our concept may be hugely applicable and valuable.

In other words, stay tuned. The big reveal is soon here.

Oh, and the hint that I have given elsewhere? Well, the hint was portrayed by the image below:
