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Yes indeed. I have launched an online information product on…. wait for it…. how to build your website using WordPress.


Yes, I understand if you might be confused. Why they heck would I do that all of a sudden? Well, to be honest, I got so frustrated over time to be spending so much money on websites being built for my businesses, activities and hobbies and then still be left with the difficulties of … well, how would I now get them updated?

I also grew frustrated over the fact that then I was still left with websites that did little for my businesses and my endeavors. Those I hired were great at the design from a visual design point of view, but not knowledgeable from the point of view of how to make the site pull in leads and what I could potentially turn into paying customers.

So I set out to learn how to build my websites myself and aided greatly by the software and platforms getting friendlier and friendlier for the non-geeky, non-technical person I eventually were able to actually build something that worked – greatly.

Originally I started out with iWeb from Apple – cause they make such great products and software making it easy, intuitive (I usually really don’t want to read the instructions, so..), but seeing that iWeb was not the best suited program for search engine optimization and seeing eventually Apple discontinued the program, I looked elsewhere.

My choice quickly became obvious.


The number one choice not just for blogs for for websites.

One of my tactics for finding the best choices in many respects is to look for the bests in their industries. And then I look at what they make use of and question them on why. WordPress became the clear winner over all. I looked at the internet gurus who are making killings online and I looked at which platform they were using. Invariably they pretty much all used WordPress.

OK, so on I went to learn how to build my sites. Slow process even if it is easy, even bought some programs, but always found none of them didn’t have a natural progression nor a very well formed step by step that would lead me through the understanding and in an efficient manner. So everything I learned was found in bits here and there and although some of it was good material, it was a nuisance not to have a good one stop location.

By now, I would venture to say that I’m fairly savvy with building the sites and not least knowing some of the very intricate parts that make real differences in results.

So in the end, I thought that hey, the market seems to lack an easy to follow natural step by step how to instructional source on the subject, so why not provide it to the market? Well, it’s here now. And it even has a free component available to anybody which will in fact show how to get your brand new and empty site from its initial state to a website that has the look and feel the you want. Want to have a look?


Yes, it’s true, I will be offering more online information products in future and they will on completely other topics, more suited to the real interests of mine such as how to run businesses, make money, achieve success, goal setting etc. But I have found that we all need a lot of great marketing insights in achieving success with our businesses and we also all need all encompassing platforms to support our businesses; including a website. Thus I thought, hey, I learned it myself, why not bring this knowledge to others, but in an easier and more natural way to others.

In other words. Now there is a little free program, that literally will show you how to build your site into YOUR site. The full program which comes at a price is the program that I wish I had had when I started out learning about building the websites.

So yes, I will not be blogging about this all the time, for I’m more interested in bringing my knowledge and experience on more business related matters to others. My experience and insights are so much bigger in those areas any ways. Not least due to the failures I have suffered, and then from how I learned to turn those around and amplify my results. But I feel also it would not be complete to leave out this opportunity for others who might frequent my personal ego website here to get the free fast track video series on how to build YOUR website.

So there we are.