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3 New Challenges For Mikkel Pitzner. Helping women to build their own businesses and grow personally and become more independent, self reliant and more self confident.I have taken on a new venture on top of all the other ventures that I have started over the past year. Well, OK, truth be told some of the ventures I started during the past 12 months I have dropped before I even got very far down the road (which was to be expected), some of them are on temporary hold, but thankfully some of them are ongoing and growing. Some too slow and some at an appreciated pace.

Now there’s a few things special about the new venture, cause outside the challenge of making it work and become successful, this one entails a few other challenges to make things even more fun.


Here’s what’s special about this one:

Challenge Number 1:

To build a successful business with a Multi Level Marketing company/opportunity (MLM business).

Challenge Number 2:

Do this in an industry that I’m not supposed to be a very good fit for.

Challenge Number 3:

Help women become entrepreneurs and owners of their own businesses, grow and become financially independent and ultimately become more beautiful and radiant and not least self confident.

Now, this is all still very new and it’s even a challenge since my time is simultaneously filled with existing obligations, ventures and the like, but if you wish to follow along and learn more about this endeavor, then it might be a good idea for you to le me know by signing up for updates on this project, by entering your name and email in the form here below.

Warning: This venture may be of more relevance and interest to females. Just saying.