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Dear Reader,Marketing Miracles Cover Mikkel Pitzner

As I announced yesterday, my new book is about to launch. In it, Marketing Legend Dan Kennedy leads a group of experts in a discussion of the greatest marketing secrets of our time.  I’m fortunate to be one of Dan Kennedy’s co-authors for this collection of marketing expertise, and I know you’ll be able to convert more customers and attract more business by using the tips and strategies in my book.

The great news is that the book I co-wrote, Marketing Miracles, is being launched TOMORROW!

Just for purchasing the book tomorrow on, and helping me get off to a great start, I’ve put together a huge bonus package for you!

I will send you a link to buy the book tomorrow on Amazon, but here’s a sneak peak at all the great stuff you’ll get JUST for spending $19.95! 


Just for purchasing the book tomorrow on Amazon, and helping me get off to a great start, you’ll get all of these great bonuses!


I will send you a link to buy the book tomorrow for just $19.95, and once you buy it, just email your receipt to and they’ll send the bonuses right over to you!

Until Tomorrow!


Mikkel Pitzner, Marketing Miracles