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Last week I launch my first post in my series of the Motivational Monday series. As I described then, I had the idea from Matt Morris who I collaborated with in the book The Art & Science Of Success, Volume 2. However, I have decided that since he is using the name Motivational Monday, I should use a different name (my posts and my content in same will differ anyways, although it is likely that on occasion we may show e.g. the same video).

So for lack of better and more inventive name, I shall now call it Motivation Mania. I will, however, welcome anyone who can come up with a better name for this, to bring forth your suggestion. I would love to find something much better, but honestly lack the creativity at the moment, so any help and suggestions will be appreciated.


Anyway, for this weeks Motivation Mania, I bring your the video below. It tells a story of Rick and Dick Hoyt, the father and son team that really inspires.


So now that you know the story you might appreciate this next video too with Rick and Dick Hoyt and a nice tune: