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Mobilegeddon Is Here – But Why Should You Care?


A new algorithm changes makes it necessary for businesses to ensure their websites are mobile friendly or they stand to loose 60% of their trafficMobilegeddon – the nickname that Google’s latest algorithm update that took place on April 21st this year has acquired – is here.

It’s a big change and a change that makes sense. With the update Google is really trying to ensure that users (Googlers) will get the best experience when using their platform. In other words, Google’s intention is to do good for the users, which is great. Have you ever looked up something on the internet on a mobile device and be led to a website that was completely unreadable on your device? A website that you would have to zoom in – zoom out – scroll and pan – left and right – up and down? We all have and yes, websites like that are annoying to say the least. Try to hit a tab (link) and you sometimes will activate the link just above or below (or next to) the one you intended for. Not a great user experience.

What the algorithm update has implemented is to favor websites that are mobile-friendly.


You can read the full article over on Linked-in