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Workbench lead by Ingrid Pyka, the CEO of (Going) Beyond Strategy invited Mikkel Pitzner to share his insights to how to become and be memorable in a world that is increasingly losing attention span.

Mikkel Pitzner Speaks At Beyond Strategy's Workbench

I had the utmost pleasure of presenting my insights on what I call The Attraction Factor or rather a sub part of this which is about how you create an attractive character that people will resonate with and become attracted to, so that you will attract your ideal clients and more business, while simultaneously eliminating those who will just rob you of your time.

Speaking on May 6 and May 7 to a couple of groups of entrepreneurs, I had the distinct pleasure of sharing some very specific thoughts on the Attractive Character creation and drawing in personal experiences and referencing examples from the world around us that we can all recognize.

Workbench is a recurring Meet Up event organized by Ingrid Pyka, who is the CEO of Mish & Tish Publishing and a Founding Consultant with her firm (Going) Beyond Strategy. The entrepreneurs who get together for these bi-monthly meetings come from all kinds of businesses and industries.

It was a truly enjoyable experience and I thank Ingrid Pyka for the opportunity and the groups of entrepreneurs for listening so attentively.