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If you saw my last post which was a copy of my last Press Release, then you saw that I’m currently giving away one of my books for free. The specific book is on Online Marketing of Your Business.

Since I do not know each and everyone coming to my site, I don’t know how much you know about me. However, let me just quickly say, that I have a very vast experience of running businesses (smaller and a few somewhat decent in size). The businesses of past and of present have spanned many varied industries, cultures, countries, States and even continents.

Common for all the businesses I have run or still am involved in, and common with any other business I have encountered is a need for marketing. Marketing that actually works.

I have tried a lot of different tactics and I have wasted a lot of money on the wrong marketing avenues. I have in addition spent huge amounts of money and time studying with some of the top marketers of today (predominantly in relation to online marketing).

Well, as you may assume, I have over time learned both from personal experience and from many mentors what marketing works, what makes sense to engage in depending on your time frame, work you want to allocate to it or money that you are happy to invest in it.

So here’s the thing.

While, I’m currently giving away one of my books for free, that is inevitably an offer that will in all likelihood go away at some point – either in near future when the small stock I have left has been given away or when I get tired of re-ordering new books (and gotten tired enough of that expense) and thus will end the offer.

However, I still wish to share the insights that have gained over the years. Insights that I have paid for expensively via personal experience via the businesses that I have marketed or via studies with my many mentors (programs that typically run at $1,997 to $10,000 a piece).

Let’s be honest here. It’s not just that I wish to be all altruistic (although that does play a part too). But there’s actually also something in it for me too. To begin with, I believe it’s good karma. In addition though, it honestly inspires me and also makes the knowledge more clear for myself too. If ever you have shared your knowledge with others, such as in teaching someone something, then you know that for you to teach it, you actually had to become even more savvy and knowledgeable of your content and lessons. In other words, when I teach or show you the insights, that I have gained and I can share, then I become even better at it too and my insights become even more clear and solid.

So while, I will feel really good about helping you with my insights, I will actually become even better at it myself. This is important for me too. Not just for the businesses that I still run or those that I will be involved with in future. But it also is incredibly important for one of my current businesses that actually helps businesses with their online marketing and other online presence.

Amazing Ideas, Inc. is my marketing agency. I have had this business for a little while now, but not really until about a year ago did I open up officially for business offering online marketing services for other businesses. When I show you or teach you my marketing insights, I become better at marketing too and I gain more clarity about which elements actually produce that best return. This will become extremely valuable for the clients of Amazing Ideas, Inc. and thus will aid in producing solid results for the company. In other words, this is a win-win-win.

The message here for you, is that if you wish to learn more marketing insights from me, then you can pick up a lot by following the posts and article series that I run on the website of Amazing Ideas, Inc,

I hope that I will see you there soon.

One little pat on your shoulder: If you truly do not wish to miss out on the tips and marketing lessons, then you should sign up for the updates. That way you are sure not to miss out and in addition, you will very likely gain even more secret lessons that I’m sharing only with my subscribers over there. To sign up, head directly to

If you have no interest in marketing advice, tips and secrets, then this is just not for you. If you still are either curious about what I’m engaged in on ongoing basis, then just stay here with me on Here, I mostly write about my activities, certain personal thoughts, my thoughts on leadership, business and mindset.

If you run a business yourself, however, you might actually be interested in actually following along both on and on and of course you are invited to either or both.