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Have you got a minute?

How many times have you heard that question – usually from a colleague, friend or perhaps even a salesperson. But fact of the matter is they don’t really want a minute. They probably want several minutes and sometimes even what’s in your wallet.

Bob Proctor, whom you might know from the famous film, The Secret, sent me a little video in which he was talking about the value of a minute. In the video Bob Proctor was sitting at a desk with a little hour glass and he was talking about a few interesting concepts. He is looking at how much a minute actually calculates out to when compared to how much you make, i.e. how much your income is. Now, if you have a fairly decent income then a minute potentially becomes very valuable and thus you need to be really aware of whether you do in fact have a minute to spare. What else could you do with that minute?

Now the video from Bob Proctor is really great and I really like it, which is why I have included it in an article that I just wrote (go and read the article and see the video), and he talks about the value of a minute from the perspective described above, but his video actually got my mind onto several other important thoughts on the value of a minute.The minute or minutes people take from you is not just that or just the value of your income in terms of a minute, you also really need to consider the opportunity costs of what you could have used those minutes on and what that could have meant for your future. In other words you need to be conscious of how you spend your time and what you focus on.

I’m glad to be mentored by several great thinkers past and present. Some of these mentors include besides Bob Proctor, Brendon Burchard, Denis Waitley and John C. Maxwell among many others, including also a good friend of mine and fellow masterminder , Mr. Franklin D.Deese, who just released his fantastic book titled “From Inmate To Mayor” in which he shares great time tried success principles and personal inspirational stories and more. I bring some amazing thoughts of theirs into my article  which I think would be valuable for anyone to read (The Value Of A Minute – The Value Of Now).

Let me know what you think by commenting in the comment box below. Ask me any question you may have and I will personally respond to each and every one of them. Thank you for your visit here I am deeply humbled and I appreciate it very, very much.