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Successonomics Book Cover Title Featuring Mikkel PitznerYou can define the word success. Webster did, he describes success as, “The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect or fame.” But, is that what it means to you? The strange thing is, we all perceive success differently. Each of us has different goals we aspire to achieve in life or business to define ourselves as successful. However, navigating down that ambiguous pathway to success isn’t always easy. Which is why I’m writing to you now. I don’t want you to have to walk that path alone any longer.

Over the last eight months, I’ve united with successful entrepreneurs, professionals, and experts from around the world including Steve Forbes to bring you the guide to success you’ve been waiting for. Each of us is successful in different areas, which means we’ve been through both wins and loses, and have taken action to claim the term success for ourselves. And now, we’re willing to share our methodology and mindset to guide and coach you to success in your own life.

This insight is brought to you in our new book, SuccessOnomics and it’s coming out this Thursday!

We’ll be launching the book this week, tomorrow in fact, Thursday, Sept 18th, (don’t worry I’ll remind you!), and I’ve put together a huge bonus package for you if you’ll help us launch the book!

Like I said, I’ll remind you, but if you are willing to help us launch with great success, by buying the book (It’s only $19.95!), then I’ll give you HUNDREDS of dollars worth of bonuses in addition to the great ideas you’ll receive from reading the book.

I appreciate your support and I’ll get back with you soon to remind you about the launch and to tell you more about the bonuses I’m putting together!

Stay tuned!


Mikkel Pitzner


Learn more about Successonomics here