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I was signed up for this Triathlon in Washington DC last year, but then that event coincided with my son Gabriel’s 1st birthday and I felt that I couldn’t go after all. I did have thoughts about just getting my wife and son to come with me to Washington. That way I could do the Triathlon in the morning and then subsequently we could have celebrated my son. But alas we didn’t do this.

I was also signed up this year. But a board meeting in Denmark was pushed to a different date and that made it impossible to be back for the race in time for registration.

Two year of no show!

So now I have signed up once again and I’m hopeful that it will actually happen. That I will actually be taking active part in the Triathlon. The venue is set for September 8th 2013. Cross your fingers that I may actually make it there. Wish me luck and push me to actually do a little bit of training for it. Please!


Nation's Triathlon 2013