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The Success Secret Book Cover Featuring Mikkel Pitzner & Jack Canfield

"The Success Secret" Book Cover Featuring Mikkel Pitzner & Jack Canfield


Searching for the “Success Secret” that will take you to the next level- both personally and professionally? I’ve got the answer for you! I’ve had the privilege to co-author in a book with leading experts from around the world and America’s #1 Success Coach and co-creator of the famed ”Chicken Soup for the Soul” series. Inside this book, you’ll find the inspiration and motivation to move forward as well as the proven action steps that attract abundance and bring fulfillment.

The great news is the book we co-wrote together  “The Success Secret, The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Their Secrets for Success in Business and in Life” is coming out TOMORROW!

Just for purchasing the book tomorrow on, and helping us get off to a great start, I’ve put together a huge bonus package for you!

I will post a link to buy the book tomorrow on Amazon, but here’s a sneak peak at all the great stuff you’ll get JUST for spending $19.95!


It has been a great privilege to coauthor this book with among others someone as renowned as Jack Canfield. Jack Canfield has experienced some of the biggest successes without authoring and book publishing and has himself overcome many obstacles along the way. His story is famous and he is a great inspiration on many levels.

Look out for update to the book release to be posted tomorrow along with my personal bonuses that I will be giving to purchasers of the book.


A Press Release went out today on the subject