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Successonomics Book Cover Title Featuring Mikkel Pitzner 300pxI know I mentioned this earlier today, but I want you to share in the excitement! My new book comes out tomorrow!  I’ve been collaborating with leading experts, professionals, and entrepreneurs from around the world to bring you a book that’s sure to change the way you think about the success and how you can claim it in your business and your life.

Success is one of those terms that can mean different things to different people. However, my co-authors and I have come up with some top secrets that lead to success, no matter how you define it, in SuccessOnomics! Even better, it’s available to you TOMORROW!!

Just for purchasing the book tomorrow on, and helping us get off to a great start, I’ve put together a huge bonus package for you!

I will send you a link to buy the book tomorrow on Amazon, but here’s a sneak peak at all the great stuff you’ll get JUST for spending $19.95!  Click here to check out the bonuses!

Just for purchasing the book tomorrow on Amazon, and helping us get off to a great start, you’ll get all of these great bonuses!

I will send you a link to buy the book tomorrow for just $19.95, and once you buy it, just email your receipt to and they’ll send the bonuses right over to you! I haven’t decided yet what my bonus will be, but if you also send your receipt to me, then I will make sure that you will get some pretty cool bonuses from me personally. Indeed, if you’ll let me know what kind of bonus that you’ll like from me, well, then perhaps I can actually accommodate you.

Until Tomorrow!