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We can all use a little bit of a motivational injection once in awhile or some sort of input that will inspire us. So I’m borrowing an idea that I was introduced to by a very talented and really accomplished young gentleman named Matt Morris, who had (perhaps still has) a weekly send out of something inspirational and motivational – He called it Motivational Monday. Matt Morris is, by the way the mastermind behind the book series called The Art & Science Of Success of which 4 volumes to date has been published and probably more will be in future.

You may also recall that I cowrote one of these books: The Art & Science Of Success, Vol 2

The book became a bestseller as soon as it was released.

To start my Motivational Monday series here is the first video. This one you may have seen before as they tend to circulate quite a bit, but it makes them none the less watchable. The video here shows amazing people doing amazing feats: