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Things have been happening really fast lately.

I was fortunate to be invited to participate in a number of books this year, which all went on to become best-sellers on Amazon when they were released. It has been such a privilege and has led to the introduction to several legendary names that everybody should know if they do business. Let me just name a few of these names: Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Robert G. Allen and Jack Canfield.

Brian Tracy has authored more than 50 books and is still going strong. He is truly one of my big heros and his teachings are still must reads. I was privileged to co-author the book titled The Only Business Book You’ll Ever Need with Brian Tracy. Dan Kennedy may not be a household name, but for knowledgeable marketeers the name should ring a bell. Dan Kennedy has reached legendary status within the marketing world and he has brought very significant results to his clients over the years. He knows all the tricks and tools of the marketing world and has tested probably all of them too personally. With Dan Kennedy I co-wrote Marketing Miracles.

During especially 2012 I have also amped up my Mastermind groups. Mastermind groups are very, very powerful and can help in propelling yourself and your business to completely new levels and at much greater speed than you would probably do it on your own. To come by the best Mastermind groups, you must foresee pretty big expenditures, but they are definitely worth it, if you get with the right group. Indeed I would say the right group can easily not just 10 or 100 times your investment into being part of such a group, but actually can 10 or 100 times your business results. Lofty words you may think, but I’m very unapologetic about this. Anybody who has been in a great Mastermind group should be able to attest to that. Will it be the case for any Mastermind group? Most definitely not! But with the right group, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

One of the Mastermind groups that I was part of as of 2011 and 2012 was that of Robert G. Allen and Dave Vanhoose and included a string of other very highly successful business owners and professionals. Robert G. Allen is famous for being the No Money Down guy for special real estate deals that laid the basis for his first fortune. He has written a number of best selling books on the subject along with subsequently several other books on other topics including what he has coined Infopreneuring. With infopreneuring, he turned his attention more to teaching and has built even greater wealth from this business. Dave VanHoose built a Fortune 35 company in just a few years and built up an enormous amounts speaking engagements. His latest venture teaches other experts to make large sums of money from speaking engagements and their knowledge and expertise.

At some point during the Mastermind sessions we decided we should do a book together and so The Rules Of The Game came about.

By the way, I first met Robert G. Allen at a SANG event. An event that attracts some of the very biggest and heaviest hitters within the expert industry. Think of a big current name that you know of and it is likely that this person has at one point attended at least one SANG event. The SANG events are run by my friend Larry Benet, who is famous for being probably the most and best connected person in the world. Larry the Connector he is also called.

Finally I co-wrote The Success Secret with Jack Canfield. You must know Jack Canfield. He is a true legend. He has with his Chicken of the Soul book series sold in excess of 500 million books! One of his famous books is The Success Principles on which he has taught many sessions.

All of these books went to best selling status on Amazon immediately upon release. All of them indeed made several best-seller lists. Marketing Miracles made, I believe, 5 best seller lists and The Success Secret a fantastic 7 best seller lists.

As a culmination to this great ride, The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors invited me to Hollywood for their annual best-sellers summit. The third annual event of its kind, I believe. The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors is to authors what the National Oscars Academy is to actors. At the event I met with so many other best selling authors including a number of those I had had the pleasure of co-writing books with.

The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors has introduced the Quilly award. And this event was the awards ceremony for 2012 at which these awards were given to the select best-selling authors, among which I also was awarded. In fact I was awarded for 3 books; specifically The Only Business Book You’ll Ever Need, The Success Secret and Marketing Miracles. So you can imagine this was quite a special event for me.


Jack Canfield and Mikkel Pitzner And The Success Secret