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My new book hits the street now – finally after actually most of the wait time seemed to have been associated with matters of technicalities of print setups etc. The actual copy was finished in its initial write up towards the end of last year, but a number of edits and other technicalities delayed its arrival a little. Also, I must admit, I was busy at times in between focusing on other matters.

Nevertheless, it’s nice to be able to sit with a copy in hand – especially a copy without spelling error on the cover (yup, even on the front cover). My mistake, but apparently not seen either by editor or anybody else involved in its production until I finally saw it just the other day. Bummer. Quick recall from Amazon and amend and set up for another print. Fortunately, these days with more of print on demand services we hadn’t preprinted a huge amount of books and had also not yet spread the word about its existence, so all is good and only the nuisance and further delay is a bother.

The end result looks good I think though. This book is yet another book collaboration and its content is made up by contributions from a large number of people who were all part of a special Mastermind group that was put together by Mike Filsame, who is quite famous among internet marketeers. And it is a pretty big book too, so lots of content. 335 pages, many chapters and many contributors.

The subjects of the contributions vary, but ultimately the contents reveal great insights learned from experience from a multitude of business owners and entrepreneurs. A lot of it has to do with the online world which is inescapable for any company that want success in this day and age, and of course a great deal is centered around the marketing side of things which is also of utmost important for anybody who seeks success, growth and results.

Seeing that the contributors come from many varied backgrounds and expertise, I may freely admit that there is content in the book that I personally like better than other content. What was interesting though is just how much of the contribution left me with new ideas, insights and at times surprising twists and turns. In other words, I believe there will be content in the book that would be relevant to most entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial minds.

The new book by the way is titled: “Mastermind’s Insights To Business Success” and bears a tagline of “Million Dollar Ideas And Insights To Achieving And Creating Big Results For Your Business And Yourself”

And here’s what it looks like (without spelling error):

Masterminds's Insights To Business Success Cover SP


The book can be ordered via Amazon or you might be able to obtain a copy via me.