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In this day and age there are sign ups here and sign up there. Social media platforms abound and it would even appear that some of them could be or become important to have your presence on. Some of them are just plain fun or help you keep informed about what’s happening with your friends.

Having left my home country a few years ago, I must say that some of the social media platforms are a great help for me to stay tuned about friends and their activities and lives. I even can stay updated about family additions such as when friends have babies etc. And likewise the other way around.

Not always are you in personal touch, but it may just a well be pleasant to kinda keep some in your life even if you are not hanging out with each other.

Well, here on this ego website, I have finally today, set up various links for connecting on a variety of the most commonly used platforms (see red arrows and you shouldn’t be able to miss the icons). This will do well whether you are a great friend or a new connection or just want to follow or connect with me a bit further.

Personally, I enjoy very much all my connections, so if you are up for it, I would be very pleased to have you connect with me on the platform(s) of your choice. Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ etc…

Looking forward to seeing you there too.


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