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Especially since 2008 I have intensively studied marketing – with a focus on online marketing. Those who know me, knows that I am engaged in many varied businesses and actually has been for a majority of my life. I love doing multiple things, new things and to seek new possibilities and opportunities.

What I learned early on is that every business is in need of great marketing. I have learned that first hand from running several different businesses spanning many unrelated industries across borders of countries, States and continents.

So even in my early stages of doing business I was engaged in marketing, but it wasn’t really until I moved to the US that I really decided I wanted to learn more in debts about what works and what doesn’t work. In addition my move to the US and not least the huge consequences I suffered from the horrible financial crisis of 2008, made it necessary for me to reinvent myself to certain degree and inadvertently, I began consulting on marketing aspects.

A couple of years ago I moved to Colorado. Up from Florida. I decided to establish a company from which I could sell my services and expertise and I named it Amazing Ideas, Inc.

Via this company, I’m now building a base of more and more clients, helping them get something out of their marketing dollars. Just looking around and you will see so much misspent money and misspent attention in terms of marketing that will give the spender little if any results. By setting yourself up the right way, you can actually turn a really sound return of investment out of your marketing budget.

That’s what I help clients do.

I get them straightened out with some of the most important aspects of their online marketing efforts and their online presence – what I also call their online DNA. I help them get automated on many of the follow up procedures and set in place a system that can almost handle itself entirely and work for them, even when they are not working themselves. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Such is the power of online marketing and the tools and systems that are available to us today.

Anyways, my Amazing Ideas, Inc. is naturally open for business from any- and everywhere, but currently I’m focused on getting a stronger foothold locally, which means that I’m specifically targeting local businesses here in the Castle Rock area of Colorado where I presently reside.

Here’s a post about it from yesterday.


Now, that said, I just did a small survey of the Fortune 100 companies of the United States. Would you believe it? A full 32% of them are making at least one hugely grave mistake, that I could actually fix for them, probably relatively easily, quickly and rather inexpensively.

In other words, I probably should reach out to them to point out their hugely disservice to their businesses.

Well, we’ll see.

Meanwhile, be sure to reach out to me if you wish for me to help you and your business with your online marketing. I would love to help and would appreciate the business too of course.