The Rabbit Hole
The Rabbit Hole is your chance to venture deeper down into a rabbit hole with me to explore further what opportunities and realizations can lie ahead for you. It’s not for the timid and not for the tire kickers, the ones who never take any actions. It’s not for those who whine and complain. And it’s not for those who rather stay comfortable with their current situation and results (if any). In fact, please ponder this:
‘People have a hard time letting go of their suffering.
Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.’
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Are you one of those people?
Would you rather prefer your suffering because at least it’s familiar? Are you too scared to try something that could prove life-changing for you?
If that’s you, then venturing down further into The Rabbit Hole with me is not going to be your cup of tea and then you need not apply. If you say yes to this, then just go back please. This isn’t for you.
But if you are a little more adventures, then…