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Breaking Through – The Book

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The idea of Breaking Through makes us think of accomplishing goals. Accomplishing goals and game changing go hand in hand. We further observe that game changers accomplish goals, not lottery winners who lucked into a ‘good’ situation… and also that the idea of Breaking Through is normally paired with success. Distinctive characteristics of those who breakthrough invariably includes perseverance, calculated risk taking, foresight, and passion.

And Breaking Through is exactly what I’ve been doing. Over the last 8 months leading professionals were chosen in various niches and professions who exemplify a trailblazer mentality and didn’t let the world’s lure of comfort keep them from taking chances and having HUGE Success. Even the legendary Dr. Nido Qubein offered his most breaking through success strategies in this book.  If you don’t know who he is.. Google him! You will be amazed at his true American success story.

The book we co-wrote together is launched Thursday June 12th,2014.

Right upon the moment of introduction of Dr. Nido Quebein to me, I liked him. There’s just a very special aura about him and his personal story and journey as an immigrant coming to America with just $50 in his pocket serves as a great inspiration to anyone who may be facing certain challenges in their lives.

Breaking Through the book featuring Mikkel Pitzner

The book, Breaking Through, is a collaboration among a number of experts from all walks of life and Dr. Nido Quebein and I are two of them. It’s been an honor and a privilege to have been invited to this collaborative work and I’m thankful for the opportunity. I hope readers will gain much insights and valuable lessons from reading it and I hope it will serve many.

Distinctive characteristics of those who break through invariably include perseverance, calculated risk-taking, foresight, and passion. To follow breakthrough success, we introduce a panel of celebrity experts in this book who have spearheaded changes in order to breakthrough!

While their fields may differ, the celebrity experts have found success in the breakthroughs they that they have initiated. Using their successful expertise, they will guide you through their breakthrough experience, relaying both their successes and their errors – which are all part and parcel of their breakthrough experience. Following their advice will help you avoid their errors — and complete a breakthrough journey quicker than you could otherwise.
