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By purchasing “The Only Business Book You’ll Ever Need” you are gaining access to a number of really cool bonuses from the various authors in appreciation of the support you are showing us.

We are currently finalizing a program that will help you through taking off the blindfolds when running your business and help you plan for success. The program is a great extension of my chapter in the book which was titled “Planning For Success”. This program is probably going to be sold for a price upwards US$ 297,- but we will give you this for free for having purchased the book.

However, since production of the program is not quite yet finalized, we are unable to send it to you straight away. We do expect to be able to do so before April 15th 2012 and will send you the details as soon as it is ready. So in order to secure your program for free, please supply me your details below and we will make sure that you are secured your spot.



Thanks you for your support and thank you for filling out your details. We will make sure that you receive further updates and the program as soon as it becomes available.



Sincerely Yours

Mikkel Pitzner