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Press Release: September 18th, 2012 Serial Entrepreneur and Social Media Expert, Mikkel Pitzner, Hits Amazon Best-Seller List




Mikkel Pitzner, Marketing Expert and Serial Entrepreneur, recently hit seven separate best-seller lists with “The Success Secret” book.


Orlando, FL – September 18, 2012 – Mikkel Pitzner, Serial Entrepreneur and Dreamer Extraordinaire, has joined a select group of the world’s leading experts from a variety of industries, along with best-selling author Jack Canfield, named by Time magazine as the “Publishing Phenomenon of the Decade,” to co-author the book titled The Success Secret, The World’s Leading Experts Reveal Their Secrets for Success and Life. The book was released by CelebrityPress™   – a leading business book publisher.


The Success Secret was released on Thursday, August 23rd, 2012 and features top advice from leading entrepreneurs, business owners and marketing experts in a variety of industries from around the world. The authors tackle an array of subjects ranging from the inspiration and motivation to move forward – as well as the proven action steps that attract abundance and bring fulfillment. Mikkel Pitzner contributed a chapter titled “Your Inner Voice-Friend Or Foe?”


On the day of release, The Success Secret, reached best-seller status in seven categories – The book reached best-seller status in the Business Skills, Communication Skills, Direct Marketing, Best Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Sales, Marketing, Small Business & Entrepreneurship categories.


Serial Entrepreneur, Mikkel Pitzner, is a professional board member in Denmark, Sweden and the US, social media expert and consultant, small time investor and dreamer extraordinaire. Mikkel is a partner in a unique marketing and trailer rental company, Freetrailer, which currently operates throughout Denmark and Sweden with more countries to come. Mikkel is also a partner in Aksel & Ko, a company that finds that special gimmicks or solutions that corporations need for their marketing purposes.


It is difficult to pigeon hole Mikkel Pitzner and his activities entirely as he is engaged in so many varied businesses. Further to previously mentioned activities he is also active with all kinds of products ranging from Information Products, Submarines, Underwater Scooters, Surface Supplied Air Diving Systems, unique and investor Diamonds, Steam Based Energy, Scaffolding, Mobile Lifts and also building to major MLM businesses.


Originally from Denmark, Mikkel used to run what turned into the fourth largest car rental company along with a leasing company he led to double its size. Also, up until recently, he owned and operated the largest limousine service company in Denmark, where he managed to grow profits 3200% during the first year of ownership alone. Mikkel also successfully ran an import and distribution company of scuba diving equipment until that company was sold to a German distributor. Mikkel is a best-selling author and speaker that shows you as an entrepreneurs how to create a business that will provide you with the lifestyle of your choice.


The Success Secret features an inspiring collection of success stories and practical advice in life and in business. Each author shares their “success secrets” and tips to help others realize ultimate health, wealth, marketing and business success.


From CelebrityPress®:

Regardless of whether or not you are an experienced speaker, trainer or entrepreneur or you wish to review the most contemporary concepts in today’s health, wealth and success, the ideas that these Celebrity Experts bring to the table will be worth their weight in gold when you read and incorporate them into your daily life.


After such a successful release, Mikkel Pitzner will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors®, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-sellers lists.


To order a copy of the book, please go to

To learn more about Mikkel Pitzner please visit

About Celebrity Press™:


Celebrity Press™ is a leading business, health and wellness book publisher that publishes books from thought leaders around the world. Celebrity Press™ has published books alongside Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Dr. Ivan Misner, Robert Allen and many of the biggest experts across diverse fields. CelebrityPress™ has helped launch over 500 best-selling authors to date.





Sergei Hagley

Dicks and Nanton Celebrity Branding Agency®
