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Press Release: October 11th, 2012 Mikkel Pitzner Awarded 3 Quilly Awards At The 2012 National Academy Of Best-Selling Authors’ Gala Event In Hollywood, CA




Mikkel Pitzner awarded in recognition of his multiple best selling books which includes work with thought leaders such as Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield and Dan Kennedy.

At the recent 2012 National Academy Of Best-Selling Authors’ Golden Gala event that took place September 28th at the famous and historic Roosevelt hotel in Hollywood, Ca., Mikkel Pitzner was awarded an astounding 3 Quilly™ awards.

The National Academy Of Best-Selling Authors was founded to honor authors who have achieved best-selling status for their literary works. Their award is sometimes likened to the Oscar or the Emmy but for best-selling authors.

Mikkel Pitzner was rewarded with the Quilly™ awards in recognition for his best selling books: The Only Business Book You’ll Ever Need co-authored with among others Brian Tracy, The Success Secret co-authored with Jack Canfield and Marketing Miracles co-authored with Dan Kennedy.

“It has been a great privilege to have been invited to contribute to these book collaborations and not least to work with such phenomenal thought leaders and mentors as Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Dan Kennedy and Robert G. Allen and others. In addition to this to then being awarded from the National Academy Of Best-Selling Authors at their annual gala has been a real treat and a great celebration of these books and the thoughts that went into them”, said Mikkel Pitzner in a statement.

In addition to the 3 books mentioned above, Mikkel Pitzner has also published the book The Art And Science Of Success, Vol 2 and The New Rules Of The Game, both of which also made multiple best seller lists. According to Mikkel Pitzner, he has at least two more books about to be published this year.

Multiple parallel entrepreneur Mikkel Pitzner is currently finalizing work on a program that was born out of his contribution to the book The Only Business Book You’ll Ever Need.

“After the book was published a very accomplished entrepreneur and marketing expert, Mr. Greg Rollett, interviewed me on the book and before long we decided that we should turn the interview into a program that could help other entrepreneurs be better at their business so that they can get their lives back so to speak”, said Mikkel Pitzner and continued

“ I have met so many entrepreneurs who are working terribly hard while things around them deteriorate. Things such as their relationships with spouses and children, things like their states of health and so forth.

Oftentimes I see the same traits and mistakes these entrepreneurs make, one of which is the tendency not to get the basics right to begin with and not making much use of the most basic tool of their businesses.

The program which is about to be released soon tries to help them get this tool back at their command and also helps them look at their businesses with different eyes than they may have done so far.”


The program is titled The Plan For Success System and more information can be found on

All the books are available from

More information about the National Academy Of Best-Selling Authors can be found on

More information about Mikkel Pitzner can be found on




Mikkel Pitzner
