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Press Release: Mikkel Pitzner: Serial Entrepreneur Turns Great Ideas Into Big Business With Little Work


January 9th, 2012

Mikkel Pitzner takes the phrase working hard or hardly working to a whole new level.  As a self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur, Denmark-born Pitzner admits that working a nine-to-five schedule was never the right formula for him who has spent his international career building successful businesses.

“I have tried it and it is not always that much fun,” he laughs.

There are risks to be taken, he admits.  Having moved to the United States just three and a half years ago, Pitzner arrived just prior to the economic crash of 2008.  But he adds that’s just part of the life of an entrepreneur.

“There are great risks and great rewards and sometimes the reward is not money but that you can do your own thing because you love it so much,” he says.

His career started in the car rental and personal transportation industries and has included more than 25 companies most of which can be viewed on at

He loves the thrill of taking great ideas and turning them into successful companies, but more impressive is that Pitzner achieves great results and yet spends very little time in the office.  It’s all a part of his secret to success which he’s sharing in his latest venture launching in 2012 called The Automated Millionaire.

The Automated Millionaire,, is an online information product designed to help entrepreneurs build a successful business by doing less work utilizing tips and tricks Pitzner has learned.

“It’s kind of like outsourcing,” he says. “Not working harder but working smarter. The opportunities are growing bigger every day even in a down economy.”

Pitzner created The Automated Millionaire to take people “off the treadmill of the job” and emphasizes that it’s not a get rich quick scheme.

“It’s a little bit like finding what is it that you have a special ability to do, find other people to fill in the spots, and then get out of your own way,” he says.

It all comes down to his definition of success.

“I would rather be successful with a great family, great relationships with my kids, having businesses that work and having time to watch them grow than be super successful in money terms.”

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