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Press Release – August 7th, 2012 Entrepreneur Mikkel Pitzner Donates US$ 2,500 to Team Hole In The Wall Charity



Mikkel Pitzner, serial entrepreneur, business consultant, professional board member, social media and branding expert and consultant, donates US$ 2,500 to Team Hole In The Wall charity foundation

Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. – August 7th 2012 – Mikkel Pitzner, serial and multiple parallel entrepreneur, best-selling author and speaker, fulfilled his promise of donating US$ 2,500 to Team Hole In The Wall charity foundation.

Founded by Paul Newman in 1988, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp is dedicated to providing a “different kind of healing” to seriously ill children and their families throughout the Northeast, free of charge. It’s a community that celebrates the fun, friendship and spirit of childhood where every kid can “raise a little hell”.

The camp serves more than 20,000 children and families annually.

The donation resulted in a spot for Mikkel Pitzner to participate in the 2012 New York City Triathlon that took place July 8th this year. It was Mikkel Pitzner’s 7th time participating in the New York City Triathlon.

“It’s a true privilege to be able to donate to worthwhile causes and to help others. This donation was great combination for me to participate in a triathlon event that I really enjoy and for which it due to its popularity is difficult to acquire tickets and at the same time to do something good for a lot of others”, said Mikkel Pitzner.

“I have recently engaged myself in yet another opportunity that is doing really well – not only for me, but for everyone who is actively part of it. So I decided that I would donate the first US$ 2,500 that I made from this new opportunity to the Team Hole In The Wall charity foundation.”

Mikkel Pitzner also informed that it only took him 17 days to accrue the donation amount as a return from the new venture. He said also that others can make similar results with ease.

“I have been astounded by the great and swift results that fellow participants and I are seeing from the new venture and I’m thinking that I can do a lot of good by spreading this success and this opportunity to others. So I’m now committed to showing others how they too can achieve similar results. It only requires a few minutes a day, it’s super simple and you can even do it from your smart phone and you can even start out for free”

Readers who would like to know more about this opportunity and learn more about how they too can achieve great results can read more at

Or call 754-333-5217

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About Mikkel Pitzner

Serial Entrepreneur, professional board member in Denmark, Sweden and the US, social media expert and consultant, investor and dreamer extraordinaire, Mikkel Pitzner is a Partner of unique marketing and trailer rental company, Freetrailer, which currently operates throughout Denmark and Sweden with more countries to come. He is the Partner in a company that finds that special gimmick or solution corporations need for their marketing and campaign purposes. Mikkel is also a best-selling co-author of the business book, The Only Business Book You’ll Ever Need and also of The Art and Science of Success, Volume 2. Two more books from Mikkel Pitzner are due for release this fall.